Discussion of the Week: Are You Into So-Called "Ratchet Music?"

Discussion of the Week: Are You Into So-Called "Ratchet Music?"

Ratchet Music….Well my answer is simple; and I quote “No, No, No and Hell to the No!” In fact, I stand much better odds of retaining most of my brain cells if I just steer away from it like “The Bubonic Plague.” In good conscience, I just can’t listen to, or condone half of what’s being played on Top 40 Radio…Why, you may ask? Easy…..Cause I know better. I come from a generation of folks (not that far back) that not only know better, but heard wayyy better. Come on, when you grew up listening to artists like Biggie and The Fugees, how can you really get down with a song whose only lyrics consist of, and I quote, “I Got Broads in Atlanta.” And what’s even scarier is that this is one of the most popular songs of the year. You saw that fool on BET Awards….looking like he was going through nothing short of a "conniption fit."

 I’m sorry, but I just can’t rock with you. It’s nothing personal…..Well, let’s be real, maybe it is…..

Moreso, I can’t condone the effect that it has on today’s youth. They think this is the hottest thing going hard in the streets (a direct quote), not knowing that there’s nothing even remotely “street” about this music. Most of today’s popular hits are made by “wanna-bees” (yeah, I said it) who know absolutely nothing about the culture they pretend to represent.


Are you into “Ratchet Music?” Sound off on in the comments below, or on Twitter using the hashtag, #DOTW.


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