Discussion of the Week: Do You Believe Music Can Impact Change In Society

Hey There, Fellow MusicHeads! Chime in on the Question of the Week: Do You Believe That Music Can Impact Change In Our Society? Let's face it, Music impacts every aspect of our daily lives.....Style, Culture, Art, and so on. Do you believe that music can influence public opinion? The way people think, act, and dress? More importantly, has that change been for better or for worse?

Personally, I will admit that in the past, I have been a slave to fashion trends influenced by music....particularly Hip-Hop (Bamboo Earrings, at least two pair, anyone?) 

Yeah, I wanted to be a Fly Girl in the worst kind of way....But that was part of my generation...I think I kinda grew out of it as I got older, and just started wanting to do my own thing, regardless of what popular culture suggested....and judging by today's status quo, I'm extremely glad I did.....

Scary, aint it.....Yeah, Yeah I know.....But enough about my opinion....What's Yours?? Can Music Change The World??

Discussion of the Week: What Do You Listen For In A Song: Music Or Lyrics?

Discussion of the Week: Who Was Your Musical Crush Growing Up?