Behold, one of today's brightest and most original artists....Ms Janelle Monae. She is one of the few major-label acts who continues to push boundaries, consistently evolve, and make music on her own terms. In an industry that is so focused on "over-saturated pop," Ms. Monae does things her own way, and all the while, looking fabulous doing it.....
It is my hope that this is where they industry will one day be headed, as a whole....Towards celebrating and promoting an artist's individual sound and respective brand. It saddens me to think that we live in the digital age, where virtually anything's possible....and anyone can get their music heard by the masses...and yet, many artists still try to sound and look like pre-packaged carbon copies of exactly whatever style is popular.....Ask The Rolling Stones if they ever conformed...Hell, they've had the same sound for the last 50 years, and its always been relevant. You know a 'Stones song if you hear it on the radio....period. The same is true for so many other acts that came out in the 60's, 70's, and 80's. The name of the game used to be to come up with something different...something exciting...and if people identified with your sound, then the industry would evolve around you.
So I ask you, What Artists Are Currently Making Today's Most Original Music? There are still some out there...however many of them don't get the promotion or recognition that they deserve. Those that are not willing to conform are often looked at as "crazy" or "eccentric." What are your thoughts??