Black Music Month Playlist

Black Music Month Playlist

Happy June, Musicheads! Hope y’all had a great Memorial Day Weekend, and that your cookout was the….. This leads us right into June, which is Black Music Month. There are a couple different directions that I could have gone in when choosing the songs for this playlist, but I really wanted to focus on songs with a strong message or imagery. I wanted to focus on songs that have made a difference in one way or another….Songs of struggle, songs of empowerment, songs of hope…..Songs that get right down to the heart of the issues of the time…..many of which are still very much relevant today.

If these songs resonate with you like they do with me, then sound off in the comments below, or drop us a line on Twitter, using the hashtag #BlackMusicMonth, and let us know your thoughts.

Discussion of the Week: What is Your Take On The Current State of Hip-Hop?

Discussion of the Week: What is Your Take On The Current State of Hip-Hop?

Discussion of the Week: Name An Artist That You've Been Following Since The Start of Their Career

Discussion of the Week: Name An Artist That You've Been Following Since The Start of Their Career