What I'm Listening To This Week

Now I don't know about y'all, but I believe in blasting my music on my headphones, so I can hear everything that's going on in the background of a song. Keep in mind that I live in NYC, so I also have my music loud to avoid hearing strange conversations on the train on the way to work, but I digress.....Up here, having your headphones at all times is not just a choice, but a way of life.....It's like American Express...you don't leave home without it.......Or you'll regret that you did.....That being said, here's what I'm bumping this week....


   Karmin- I Want It All, 2014

Rihanna ft Chris Brown- Nobody's Business, 2012
       (SN: If you ever needed more proof that they are this generation's "Bobby and Whitney," there's your proof)

Herbie Hancock- Motor Mouth, 1982

Tara Kemp, Piece of My Heart, 1991

Michael Jackson- Hot Street, 1982- unreleased


Well that's what is hot on my iPod this week......What's on yours? Sound off in the comments....

Until Next Time....


Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday

Discussion of the Week: What Type Of Music Are You Passing On To The Next Generation?

Discussion of the Week: What Type Of Music Are You Passing On To The Next Generation?