This was the first song that I remember knowing all the words to...It was also the first song to ever truly invoke emotion out of me. I didn't know why at the time, but it made me cry. I recall first hearing this song in an episode of Miami Vice, and I remember that the man singing sounded so sincere and so heartfelt. The year was 1985, and I was but a mere 2 years old.
Music has been with me all my life, throughout the good and the bad. It was where I found comfort and healing from the things that troubled me. It was where I found my direction to what I wanted to do in life. Hearing this song for the first time, was one of my earliest memories, and it has stuck with me some 28 years later. So I ask you, Does Music Invoke Certain Memories, or Feelings For You? If So, Which Ones and What Songs?
The journey to 30 hasn't been an easy one, and looking back. there's so many examples that I could site for the times when a particular song has played a pivotal role in my life, but this one held perhaps the most importance to me- as it was my first introduction to such a serious emotion.
What songs would you say have provided the soundtrack to your life? Share your stories below....